April 2024

Unmasking Inequities: The Impact of Violent Crime in Manhattan

In the heart of New York City, Manhattan has long been a vibrant and dynamic urban landscape. However, beneath its glittering skyline lies a complex tapestry of social, economic, and political forces. Between the first quarter of 2019, prior to the COVID pandemic and the implementation of New York State’s criminal justice reform laws (bail and discovery reform), and the […]

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, Crime

The Racial and Ethnic Composition of Homicides in NYC

In the bustling streets of New York City, a complex debate unfolds. Progressive politicians and criminal justice nonprofits advocate for focusing on the race of offenders within the criminal justice system. But what about the victims? Their pain, their loss—often overshadowed by the broader narrative. Strangely, even when victims belong to the same racial group that reformers claim to support,

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, Crime

NYC Crime Demographics Before and After Criminal Justice Reforms and COVID

NYC Violent Major Felonies Between 2019, the year preceding the COVID pandemic and the enactment of New York State’s criminal justice reform laws (bail and discovery reform), and 2023, New York City saw a 29% increase in overall violent major felony crimes. Murder rates climbed by 22.6%, robberies by 26.5%, and felony assaults by 34.7%. The sole decline was a

NYC Crime Demographics Before and After Criminal Justice Reforms and COVID Read More »

, Crime
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